✨Astronomical Universe✨

✨Astronomical Universe✨

plant in our univers can get extrmely large,but star get even bigger in this videowe explore the size of  moons plants,star,and,even beyond,includeingblack holes and even galaxies 

💥how to go space by rocket                                                                                                                        

    this is on of the bestanimation video of launchingof a rocket into spaceand its landing back to earth by nasa .here you can watch and understand all the steps andof spacecraft (rocket)launching and its returning back on the earth this is beaytiful compleate animation vidio of orion spacecraft and landing  

⭐Lucy is the first mission to explore and study Trojan asteroids. The Trojans are a type of asteroids that orbit the Sun in two groups, in front of and behind Jupiter in its orbit around our star. Since these asteroids have been in such stable orbits for billions of years, they are of great interest as remnants of early Solar System.



Launch of LUCY        

                                                                                                                                                                    💥WATER ON VENUS💥

            Venus' thick CO2 atmosphere, extreme surface temperature and pressure, and sulphuric acid clouds are indeed a stark contrast to the conditions needed for life on Earth. This may, however, have not always been the case. Previous studies have suggested that Venus may have been a much more hospitable place in the past, with its own liquid water oceans.

The world's first film to be shot in space ......

"Mission impossible" Hollywood
The next stage in the film was to shoot a film in space with the participation of Tom Cruise, a well-known film actor. It was later postponed.

However, bringing a new face to the space race, a Russian team went to the International Space Station to shoot a film and returned to Earth yesterday after finishing filming.

 Directed by Klim Shipenko, the film stars Yulia Perseild.

The film is based on the story of a doctor who goes into space to save the life of an astronaut. The film is titled "Challenge".

It is said that the director had to lose 15 kilograms of weight before going into space.

The Soyuz spacecraft carrying the crew of the film from Kazakhstan arrived at the space center within three hours.

It is said that the pilot took action to connect it to the space station as usual as the automatic system of connecting it to the space center did not work.

2022 is a supernova that can be seen with the naked eye

If we look at the night sky without this universe, we can see that there are innumerable stars. We can see the stars in the night sky in different sizes and colors. So there is an end to the stars in the night sky. So today I am going to tell you about a star explosion / star end or a supernova that we can see with our own eyes.

About 1843 light-years (not exactly 100% accurate) there is a binary star system called KIC 9832227. As this galaxy continues to be studied, scientists have been able to discover some very special information. That is, the two stars are slowly approaching each other. In 2013, when scientists observed this galaxy, they noticed a dramatic change in light. So, according to them, in 2013, the two stars became very close to each other. According to calculations, the two stars will collide in 2022 or 2021. Scientists say the collision could lead to a supernova, because a collision between two stars would be more powerful than a single star exploding.

Scientists say the eruption could be different from the average supernova eruption. They say the eruption could be a Red Giant Supernova. So this event will inevitably cause the asteroids in this galaxy to be reduced to ashes in a matter of seconds. And the light emitted by this explosion can be seen with the naked eye by us on Earth without any telescope. This light is so powerful that in the night sky you will see another moon shining in addition to the moon.

Now you may be wondering how the light of this star, which is about 1843 light years away, can be seen in 2022, and how long it will take for the light to travel. But this explosion is a Red Giant Supernova situation so we can see it soon. If there is a living asteroid in this galaxy, the living beings on those asteroids may still be looking for another asteroid to live on. Finally, keep in mind that fortune-tellers like Baba Wanga have said that aliens have come to Earth and that we are going to deal with them for a number of reasons.
It is reported that Orbit Fab hopes to send a spacecraft with fuel tanks into a geostationary orbit (GTO) as a refueling service in space ....

Launched in 2022 or 2023, the spacecraft can store more than 200 pounds of hydrogen fuel at a time. It is also reported that this aircraft is designed to store fuel for up to 15 years.

Orbit Fab already has this type of spacecraft in a Low Earth Orbit, but it is much smaller than this newly developed spacecraft.


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